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Google Ads vs Facebook Ads

Google AdWords or Facebook Ads: where should you invest your budget?

You’ve got a budget for online advertising, but where do you spend it to achieve maximum visibility, increase your leads, and convert these into sales? In this blog, I’ll highlight the benefits of Google Adwords and Facebook ads and why you should consider each of them for your advertising spend.

For the uninitiated, this topic can be daunting. So, to begin with, rather than concerning yourself with which platform may be better, it’s more helpful to consider what each platform offers in terms of your budget, the product or service you offer, and where your target audience is in your sales funnel.

On one hand, Facebook knows what we DO – what we like and don’t like, what our friends like, the pages we’re interested in, our relationships, education, and where we live, to name just a few of the many details it tracks.

Google, on the other hand, knows what we WANT and aims to deliver results for users who demonstrate intent when they type into the Google search box. Google acts with purpose, while Facebook works to match users’ interests.

An easy way to think about this is that Google AdWords help you to find new customers while Facebook ads help new customers find you.

The pros for Google Ads

With billions of search queries being processed every day, Google offers advertisers access to an unrivalled potential audience that is actively looking for your business.

Google rewards relevance and quality. The more relevant optimised and high quality your advert is, the more you’ll be rewarded, usually by not having to bid as highly for keywords as advertisers with poorer ads.

Google offers an impressive array of ad features, customisation and control for advertisers. It has even introduced ad formats that are designed specifically for different businesses types, which helps you to customise your adverts to best suit your needs.

Another big benefit is Google’s ability to remarket to visitors who may have visited your website but took no action. Remarketing helps advertisers to reach out by targeting these visitors again.

The pros of Facebook ads

Facebook has more than 2.6 billion active users globally and 1.73 billion of these visit the platform daily. What’s more, it has no rival.

What Facebook does extremely well is that it enables advertisers to target their audiences and then get closer to them through engagement.

It’s also a highly visual platform. With user’s attention spans being incredibly short, Facebook instantly captures users’ interest with aspirational and persuasive videos, images and other visual content.

Depending on the scope of your campaign, Facebook ads can be remarkably cost-effective. And, with detailed analytics, like with Google AdWords, they prove their return on investment.

In summary

To develop brand awareness or direct interest in your products or services, particularly for potential customers who are unaware of your business, Facebook is a good option for you.

However, if it’s leads and sales you want, then capturing users at the precise moment they’re looking for a product or service that you offer, then Google Adwords delivers the results.

While an SEO strategy is important, it takes time to build and offers its results sometime down the line. However, Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising – whether you use Google Adwords or Facebook advertising – offers immediate results.

Both platforms, when used well, offer your business the engagement, leads, and visibility you need in today’s fast-paced business environment. Ultimately, it’s the results you identify for your advertising spend that will determine which you choose or whether you can benefit from both.

Read our next article  How covid-19 has changed marketing and advertising 

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